How Does SMP Interact With Existing Hair?

Have you ever wondered how Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) interacts with your existing hair? SMP is a popular hair loss solution that involves tattooing tiny dots on the scalp to mimic the appearance of hair follicles. But what happens if you already have some hair on your head? In this article, we will explore the fascinating relationship between SMP and existing hair, shedding light on how the two can coexist harmoniously to create a natural-looking and fuller head of hair.

Understanding SMP

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a revolutionary solution for those experiencing hair loss or thinning. It is a non-surgical, semi-permanent procedure that creates the appearance of a closely-shaved head or adds density to thinning hair. SMP involves the application of pigments onto the scalp, mimicking the look of real hair follicles. Understanding the various aspects of SMP is crucial for anyone considering this treatment, including the types of existing hair interactions, the effect of SMP on hair growth, maintenance and care for existing hair, adapting SMP to different hair types, techniques for seamless integration, addressing common concerns, preparation for SMP treatment, and choosing the right SMP artist.

Types of Existing Hair Interactions

1. Pigment Matching

Pigment matching is a crucial step in the SMP process to ensure that the color of the pigments used matches the individual’s natural hair color. This is especially important for individuals with existing hair as it helps create a seamless blend between the SMP and natural hair. Skilled SMP artists will carefully analyze the natural hair color and incorporate pigments that complement and blend with the existing hair, resulting in a natural and realistic appearance.

2. Scalp Texture Matching

The texture of the scalp plays a vital role in achieving a seamless integration between SMP and natural hair. SMP artists evaluate the scalp texture to mimic the texture of the existing hair. By carefully replicating the texture, SMP can blend flawlessly with the natural hair, creating a cohesive and undetectable look.

3. Hairline Design

Hairline design is another crucial aspect of SMP for individuals with existing hair. A well-designed hairline ensures that the SMP treatment complements the natural hairline, creating a natural appearance. SMP artists take into account factors such as the shape of the face, the individual’s age, and the desired density and placement of the hairline. This meticulous approach results in a hairline that perfectly complements the individual’s natural hair, enhancing their overall facial aesthetics.

4. Integration of SMP and Natural Hair

The integration of SMP and natural hair is a key consideration for individuals with existing hair. SMP artists carefully strategize the placement and density of the SMP pigments to seamlessly blend with the natural hair. This integration is achieved by creating an illusion of depth and density within the existing hair, resulting in a fuller and more natural-looking head of hair. Skilled SMP artists use their expertise to ensure that the SMP treatment and natural hair complement each other, providing individuals with a seamless and undetectable solution.

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Effect of SMP on Hair Growth

1. Does SMP Affect Hair Growth?

One common concern among individuals considering SMP is whether the procedure affects hair growth. It’s important to note that SMP does not stimulate or alter hair growth in any way. The pigments used in SMP are applied to the surface of the scalp and do not penetrate the skin deeply enough to have any impact on the hair follicles or their growth cycles. Therefore, SMP has no direct effect on the natural hair growth process.

2. Relationship between SMP and Hair Follicles

SMP interacts with existing hair follicles differently depending on the individual’s specific case. If there is still existing hair on the scalp, the SMP pigments are strategically placed between the existing hair follicles to create the illusion of density and fullness. The pigments used in SMP are carefully selected to resemble the color and texture of the natural hair, ensuring a seamless integration. In cases where individuals have completely lost their hair, SMP pigments are applied directly to the scalp, creating the appearance of a closely-shaved head.

3. Encouragement of Hair Growth with SMP

While SMP does not directly influence hair growth, it can have an indirect positive effect on individuals with thinning hair. By creating the illusion of density and fullness, SMP can boost confidence, leading to reduced stress levels. Stress is known to be a factor that can contribute to hair loss or thinning. Therefore, SMP may indirectly encourage hair growth by promoting a positive mindset and reducing stress in individuals struggling with hair loss.

Maintenance and Care for Existing Hair

1. Post-SMP Hair Care Routine

Maintaining healthy hair and scalp is important, especially after undergoing SMP treatment. Adopting a regular hair care routine can help preserve the natural hair and ensure the longevity of the SMP. It is essential to keep the scalp clean by washing gently with a mild shampoo and avoiding harsh or abrasive hair products. Regular moisturization of the scalp is also recommended to prevent dryness and maintain the health of the skin.

2. Handling of SMP-Treated Hair

When handling SMP-treated hair, it is important to be gentle to avoid disrupting the pigments or causing any damage. Avoid excessive scratching or rubbing of the scalp, as this can cause the pigments to fade or the hair follicles to become irritated. Using a wide-toothed comb or a soft-bristle brush can help prevent unnecessary strain or tension on the SMP-treated areas. Additionally, it is important to protect the scalp from prolonged exposure to the sun by wearing a hat or using sunscreen specifically formulated for the scalp.

3. Tips for Managing and Styling Natural Hair with SMP

With proper care and attention, individuals with existing hair can successfully manage and style their natural hair alongside the SMP treatment. It is advisable to consult with a professional hairstylist who is familiar with SMP to ensure that the natural hair is styled in a way that complements the SMP treatment. Avoid hairstyles that put excessive tension on the scalp, as this can impact the longevity of the SMP pigments. Regular trims and maintenance of the natural hair are also recommended to maintain a cohesive look and achieve optimal results.

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Adapting SMP to Different Hair Types

1. SMP and Curly Hair

SMP can be effectively adapted to individuals with curly hair, resulting in a natural and seamless appearance. It is crucial to work with an experienced SMP artist who understands the unique characteristics of curly hair and can skillfully replicate the texture and curl pattern. By carefully matching the pigments and mimicking the natural curl, SMP can create the illusion of fullness and density, giving individuals with curly hair a renewed sense of confidence.

2. SMP and Straight Hair

Straight hair can also be successfully integrated with SMP, providing individuals with thinning or receding hairlines the desired density and natural-looking results. The key lies in the meticulous pigment placement and hairline design. Skilled SMP artists assess the natural direction and pattern of the individual’s hair and replicate it through careful shading and blending techniques. This attention to detail ensures that the SMP treatment seamlessly blends with the straight hair, achieving a harmonious and authentic appearance.

3. SMP and Thinning Hair

SMP is an excellent option for individuals with thinning hair as it effectively addresses the appearance of hair loss and creates the illusion of density. By strategically placing SMP pigments in the thinning areas, the scalp is made to appear fuller, resulting in a more youthful and vibrant look. SMP artists work closely with individuals to understand their specific needs and concerns, customizing the treatment to achieve the most natural and flattering results for each individual’s unique case.

SMP Techniques for Seamless Integration

1. Microblading and Feathering

Microblading and feathering techniques are commonly used in SMP to create the appearance of realistic hair follicles. By using a handheld tool with micro-needles, SMP artists carefully implant the pigments into the scalp, mimicking the look of individual hair strands. This technique allows for precise pigmentation, resulting in a natural and seamless integration with the existing hair.

2. Scalp Micropigmentation Shading

Scalp micropigmentation shading involves blending the SMP pigments with the natural hair color to create a seamless transition. By gently layering the pigments, SMP artists can mimic the depth and shading of natural hair, ensuring that the treatment harmonizes with the existing hair. This technique is particularly effective for individuals with existing hair, as it creates a soft and natural appearance.

3. Gradual Fading Techniques

Gradual fading techniques are used to achieve a more subtle and natural look with SMP. Instead of utilizing a harsh and distinct hairline, SMP artists create a gradual fade from the hairline to the scalp, replicating the appearance of naturally receding hair. This technique is beneficial for individuals who desire a more understated and authentic result. The gradual fading technique adds depth and dimension to the SMP treatment, ensuring that it seamlessly integrates with the natural hair.

Addressing Common Concerns

1. Can SMP Cause Hair Loss?

One common concern is whether SMP can cause hair loss. It is important to note that SMP does not cause hair loss. The pigments used in SMP are applied superficially to the scalp and do not interfere with the hair follicles or disrupt their natural growth cycle. SMP is a safe and non-invasive procedure that does not have any negative impact on the existing hair.

2. How Long Does SMP Last?

The longevity of SMP varies from individual to individual and is influenced by factors such as skin type, lifestyle, and exposure to the sun. On average, SMP can last between 2 to 5 years before requiring touch-ups. It is important to note that SMP is a semi-permanent solution and will gradually fade over time. Regular maintenance and follow-up appointments with the SMP artist can help ensure that the desired results are maintained for as long as possible.

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3. SMP and Natural Hair Color Changes

Natural hair color changes can occur over time due to various factors such as aging, genetics, or environmental influences. When undergoing SMP, it is important to consider potential changes in the natural hair color and how they may affect the overall appearance. SMP artists take into account the individual’s natural hair color during the pigment matching process to ensure that the SMP treatment remains compatible even if the natural hair color changes over time. Regular evaluations with the SMP artist can help address any changes and make necessary adjustments to maintain a natural and cohesive look.

Preparation for SMP Treatment

1. Understanding the Consultation Process

Prior to undergoing SMP treatment, it is essential to schedule a consultation with an experienced SMP practitioner. During this consultation, the SMP artist will assess the individual’s specific case, discuss desired outcomes, and provide an overview of the treatment process. This is an opportunity for individuals to ask questions, express concerns, and gain a comprehensive understanding of what to expect during and after the SMP treatment.

2. SMP Preparation for Different Hair Types

The preparation process for SMP treatment varies depending on the individual’s hair type. It is advisable to follow the SMP artist’s specific instructions regarding hair care and preparation. Generally, individuals are advised to avoid excessive sun exposure, discontinue the use of hair products containing harsh chemicals, and ensure that the scalp is clean and free from any skin conditions or infections prior to the treatment. Following these guidelines helps ensure optimal results and minimizes the risk of complications.

3. Potential Risks and Considerations

While SMP is generally considered a safe procedure, it is important to be aware of potential risks and considerations. Some individuals may experience minor discomfort or redness immediately after the treatment, but these symptoms typically subside within a few hours or days. In rare cases, there may be an allergic reaction to the pigments used in SMP. It is crucial to disclose any known allergies or sensitivities to the SMP artist during the consultation process. Additionally, it is important to choose a reputable and skilled SMP artist to minimize the risk of complications and ensure satisfactory results.

Choosing the Right SMP Artist

1. Researching SMP Practitioners

Choosing the right SMP artist is crucial for achieving the desired results. It is important to conduct thorough research and gather information about different SMP practitioners in your area. Look for SMP artists with a proven track record, extensive experience, and positive client testimonials. Online reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into the reputation and quality of their work.

2. Evaluating Portfolio and Client Testimonials

Before making a decision, thoroughly evaluate the SMP artist’s portfolio to assess their skill, technique, and ability to create natural-looking results. Pay attention to the diversity of their work, ensuring they have experience working with various hair types and addressing individual concerns. Reading client testimonials or reaching out to previous clients for feedback and recommendations can provide valuable information about their overall satisfaction with the SMP artist’s work.

3. Consultation and Communication

Schedule consultations with your shortlisted SMP artists to assess their professionalism, expertise, and ability to understand your specific needs. During these consultations, pay attention to their communication style, attentiveness, and willingness to answer your questions and address your concerns. A good SMP artist will take the time to listen to your goals, provide honest feedback, and establish realistic expectations. It is important to choose an SMP artist who makes you feel comfortable, understood, and confident in their abilities.


Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) provides a groundbreaking solution for those seeking to address hair loss or thinning. By understanding the types of existing hair interactions, the effect of SMP on hair growth, the maintenance and care of existing hair, adapting SMP to different hair types, seamless integration techniques, addressing common concerns, preparation for SMP treatment, and choosing the right SMP artist, individuals can make informed decisions and achieve natural-looking and long-lasting results. SMP offers a viable option for individuals to regain their confidence, enhance their appearance, and embrace a life with a revitalized hairline.